Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Affirmative Action Fair? Essay -- Law Government Equality Papers

Is Affirmative Action Fair? A black student has been waiting for that letter of acceptance from the college of her choice. She receives that letter and gets in. At the same time a female white student is also waiting for her letter of acceptance from that same college. The white student receives a rejection letter even though she had higher test scores and a better GPA than the black student. Was this fair to the students? Was it the best outcome for the country in the long run? Many minority students are accepted into colleges and law schools due to their race while at the same time white students are rejected because colleges have to make room for these minorities. The question many colleges are facing now is whether race should be considered in college admissions. Is affirmative action necessary anymore and is it fair to all students? What is its long-term impact on American and world society? Liberals say, â€Å"Yes affirmative action is a fair path and a path that still needs to be taken if our society is going to move forward.† Conservatives argue that affirmative action is reverse discrimination against white students and that widespread use of affirmative action in colleges is creating an un-level playing field. The liberal’s logical argument is based on the assumption that race is already an issue in college admissions and that historically there has been a lack of opportunity for minorities, especially African Americans. From this perspective, Liberals want to use race-based admission standards as a way to redress historical and contemporary biases against certain groups and cultures. To Liberals there are biases built into university admissions that favor white, middle class, suburban students. The ver... (22 April 2002) Tien, Chang-Lin. â€Å"In Defense of Affirmative Action.† USA Today (Magazine). 126.2630 (November 1997): 58-61. Online. Information Access Expanded Academic ASAP. Article A20004051. Thernstrom, Stephan. "The Scandal of the Law Schools. (Legacy of affirmative action)" Commentary. 104.6 (December 1997): 27-32. Online. Information Access Expanded Academic ASAP. Article A20078580. Thernstrom, Stephan, & Thernstrom, Abigail. â€Å"Racial Preferences: What we Know Now.† Commentary. 107.2 (February 1999): 44. Online. Information Access Expanded Academic ASAP. Article A53914152 Wright, Scott W. â€Å"Texas Ruling may Dismantle Affirmative Action.† Black Issues in Higher Education. 13.3 (April 4, 1996): 8-10. Online. Information Access Expanded Academic ASAP. Article A18327446.

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